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Preparation for the State exam NT2 program I
€ 49,95
Vooruit! - Slide 2
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Vooruit! - Slide 11


Preparation for the State exam NT2 program I

Annet Berntsen, Merel Borgesius, Teun van Iperen
Uitgave: boekUitgave: website Niveau: b1
Isbn: 9789085069966
Delivery time 1-2 business days
€ 49,95

Preparing for the Staatsexamen is like preparing for an important sports match: it’s all about practice, practice, practice. Only by training hard will you master the required skills.


Vooruit! is the exam trainer for Staatsexamen NT2 I. Students prepare for the exam by practicing with original and authentic material. After finishing Vooruit!, the exam will hold no surprises for them.



Please note: Online products are no longer compatible with Internet Explorer 10. Online products are not suited for tablets and smartphones. This product gives you one-year access to the online service that contains the learning material.


Vooruit! comprises seven chapters: Media, Education, World citizen, Internship and job search, Get to work, Safe and healthy, and Leisure, pleasure. In the first four chapters, the training of exam skills is the main focus. A lot of attention is paid to the strategies and the student also gets useful exam tips. Chapters 5 to 7 increasingly simulate the exam situation.

The trainer contains lots of exercises which ultimately give the student enough confidence to successfully complete the exam. Every theme contains a final exam exercise which can be done independently.

Besides the workbook, Vooruit! also comes with a supporting website where more lesson material can be found:


  • audio and video fragments
  • additional exercises
  • resources
  • answers
  • audio transcripts
  • instructors’ guide

This method is a genuine exam trainer. The student has to have achieved level B1.

Target audience

Vooruit! is intended for intermediate B1 level students and students with a medium to higher level of education who wish to take the Staatsexamen NT2 I. De Sprong can be used as a preparation for Vooruit!.


Annet Berntsen 

Merel Borgesius 

Teun van Iperen

Product details
Isbn: 9789085069966
Publisher: Boom uitgevers Amsterdam
Dimensions: 29.8 x 21.2 x 1.4 cm
Weight: 614 grams
Pages: 182
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