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Vragen en antwoorden in alledaagse situaties
€ 44,95
Taalpingpong - Slide 5
Taalpingpong - Slide 6
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Taalpingpong - Slide 8
Taalpingpong - Slide 9
Taalpingpong - Slide 10
Taalpingpong - Slide 11


Vragen en antwoorden in alledaagse situaties

Nicole van Schaijik
Uitgave: boekUitgave: laptop Niveau: vanaf-a1
Isbn: 9789085065845
Delivery time 4-7 business days
€ 44,95

Taalpingpong is designed to help any non-speaker of Dutch – from integrating immigrant to expat  – practice asking questions and giving answers in Dutch. It contains an abundance of questions and answers in various situations. And a lot of practice is required! After all, the use of all sorts of different grammatical constructions has to become automatic. Someone who is learning a language must be able to think about the content of the answer, not the form.


Please note: Online products are no longer compatible with Internet Explorer 10. Online products are not suited for tablets and smartphones. This product gives you one-year access to the online service that contains the learning material.


This book deals with everyday situations related to Citizenship, OGO (Education focused on Development) and Work, and provides a vast number of questions and answers within these areas (in context!). This helps the student increase his or her speaking speed, quickly apply grammatical constructions, and at the same time trainimportant practical language skills needed for the integration exam. The grammar in the questions and answers increases in difficulty throughout the book.


The book contains a login code that provides access to the online exercise program in which you can adjust the speech rate, among other things, allowing you to train your response speed even further. This product grants 1 year access to the online program with the material.


This book is suitable for student from level A1 to A2. Highly educated expats can use Taalpingpong from level A0.

Target audience

This book is suitable for students from level A1 to A2 and can be used with every NT2 and integration method. The book can be used for self-study or in class. Expats can use Taalpingpong from level A0.


Nicole van Schaijik

Nicole van Schaijik has her own language agency (TalenT Taaltrainingen NL) and gives Dutch courses to non-native speakers (NT2), written communication lessons (NT1) and integration lessons.


She is also an examiner for integration exams.


She also serves as an intermediary between clients and teachers. Her clients are companies, private individuals and language institutes.


For, she has conducted interviews with expats about living and working in the Netherlands. She has also written various articles about expats and language which can be found on

Product details
Isbn: 9789085065845
Publisher: Boom uitgevers Amsterdam
Dimensions: 24.0 x 16.8 x 1.5 cm
Weight: 449 grams
Pages: 212
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