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Instrument voor beroepenoriëntatie
€ 27,50


Instrument voor beroepenoriëntatie

Tessa Boff Tonella
Uitgave: spel Niveau: vanaf-a1
Isbn: 9789024407606
Delivery time 1-2 business days
€ 27,50

The Dutch work field may not always be as evident to non-speakers of Dutch that live in the Netherlands. What professions are out there? In what industries? The beroepenkaarten (profession cards) provide you with an instrument to gain insight into the Dutch work field. The cards can be used for training for the MAP component of the integration exam, of in general for career paths.


The beroepenkaarten are intended as an instrument to open a discussion about professions and the participant’s interests. An image can both be the starting point and/or the name of the profession. With the cards, the participants can:


  • gain a comprehensive overview of the professions per work field. The 14 chosen work fields each have a separate color. There are 10 cards per work field, with a total of 144 cards. The professions chosen are generally for lower education.
  • build their profession-vocabulary. All the professions are visually supported with photographs, so that the contestant develops an understandig of what the profession looks lik in the Netherlands. This way, the cards invite for discussion.
  • gain insight into the(ir) preference for certain professions and work fields.


There are many different possible workforms with the beroepenkaarten. Suggestions for these can be found on the website


The cards are packaged conveniently so you can carry them easily in your bag or store them in your desk drawers.


There are 144 cards, divided amongst 14 work fields: cleaning, construction, plants and animals, transport and logistics, personal care, engineering, administration and facilities, care, education, retail, creativity, industry and production, catering and hospitality, and enforcement and security. Each work field has its own color. One remaining card is left blank, and can be filled in with another profession.


The beroepenkaarten are intended for non-speakers of Dutch (from level A1 and higher) and native speakers of Dutch.

Target audience

The beroepenkaarten are intended as an instrument for those who want to shape an image of the available professions and work fields in the Netherlands. The cards are therefore especially suitable for students who are preparing themselves for the Orientation on the Dutch labor market (ONA) component of the integration exam.


At the same time, the cards can be used for the career path trainings at ROCs and schools.


Tessa Boff Tonella specialized in adult education while earning her master’s degree in Educational Sciences. She has experience giving empowerment and career training courses to ethnic minority groups. She established the Boom NT2 Academie in 2016 and trains teachers how to teach the Dutch Job Market Orientation (ONA). She is also an account manager at Boom NT2 and gives various method training courses.

Product details
Isbn: 9789024407606
Publisher: Boom uitgevers Amsterdam
Dimensions: 9.5 x 6.3 x 5.3 cm
Weight: 194 grams
Pages: 20
Edition: 1e druk

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