Diagnosing Change is an introduction into organizational diagnostics with an emphasis on the most difficult type of change process: bottomup change. What sets this book apart is that it presents its subject matter in a visually attractive and unique way, by using artwork as a primary medium.
By analyzing 26 paintings and lithographs, 19 films and 11 poems, this publication introduces the reader to the practice of diagnosing change. The result is a clear diagnostic tool grounded in cinematic technique which uses terminology such as: zooming in, zooming out, close-up and elements of the screenplay. The diagnostic model has been proven effective for actual use. It was developed with input from more than 500 diagnostic processes the author was involved in.
Diagnosing Change is also published in Dutch The Organization Undercurrent
Part 1: Perceiving, Giving Meaning and Learning
1. Perception
2. Giving Meaning and Learning
Part 2: Giving Meaning and Learning in Organizations
3. The organizational Undercurrent
4. Diagnosticate
Part 3: The visual Art as Case Studies
5. Velázquez's Las Meninas as an Organization
6. Picasso's Variations on a Case
Part 4: Model for Diagnostic Change
7. Diagnosing Change as Film
Rounding Off
-An interviewing Method
-The Nexus Model, the Political Dimension of Organizational Culture
-The Receptiveness of an empty mind: A Film Essay
-List of References
Index of Names
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