Good speaking skills are crucial for every non-native speaker who wants to learn Dutch. There are many aspects to it: the content must be understandable and coherent, the grammar must be applied and the speaker must be sufficiently understandable for the listener. Beter Nederlands spreken is the first method that combines the training of all these aspects. In this publication the student builds his/her speaking skills structurally in seven thematic chapters. Vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation are dealt with in each chapter. All aspects of intelligibility are offered: emphasis, sentence melody and sounds. Chapter 8 consists of exercises on level B1, in preparation for the Staatsexamen. On the website there are also extra speaking exercises to level B2.
The publication is accompanied by an extensive website, on which the audio fragments for all dialogues, routines and pronunciation exercises from the book are available, as well as extra pronunciation exercises, transcripts, study guides and a teacher's guide. This manual includes an intake test and, above all, a wealth of valuable instructions for explanation and feedback.
Target group
Beter Nederlands spreken is written for intermediate and higher educated foreign language speakers from level A1. The publication can be used in courses and private lessons, both in the Netherlands and abroad.
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