TaalCompleet Praat je Mee? is a speaking method for levels 0 to A1 for ANT2 and NT2. It is an activating method that teaches you to speak and understand Dutch, regardless of whether or not you can read well. This is because no use is made of writing. With Praat je mee? you learn the most important words and sentences you need to be able to speak Dutch with the people in your immediate environment.
At the beginning of each new section, the teacher shows a video. In these videos, you hear and see how people in the Netherlands interact and what they say to each other. You then practise the words and sentences from the video with the teacher in class. Finally, you will learn to use the language outside of class by doing practical assignments.
This workbook contains photos of the words and phrases you learn in class. It also contains assignments that you do together with the teacher or another student. On the cover of this book is a code that you can use to log in to the e-learning. There you can watch the videos again, listen to the language beats and songs and practice with the words and sentences.
Praat je mee? is for illiterate non-native speakers and literate students who want to practice speaking, listening and vocabulary in addition to a general language acquisition method.
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