Rich Language (v)mbo bridges theory and practice and shows you how to deliver sustainable, meaningful language and reading education so that every student can increase their language base. The authors substantiate their claims with scientific sources.
Understanding good language and reading teaching
The book is intended for everyone who wants to gain insight into what constitutes good language and reading teaching and wants to get started with it. These may be working teachers, speech therapists, remedial teachers and volunteers in literacy and NT2 programmes, but also bachelor students, post-higher education students or master students in the field of language education or speech therapy.
Rich Language (v)mbo is about language and reading didactics for all pupils and students being trained for a profession. They come from secondary special education, practical education and (secondary) vocational education.
The publication does not contain a traditional division into language domains, but the chapters are geared towards sustainable meaningful learning, creating rich contexts, choosing rich texts and shaping active thinking within language education.
From the authors of Rich Language
The successful Rich Language, aimed at primary education, was previously published. The visions of language teaching in both books are similar. The target groups and thus most of the content and examples differ, of course.
The In the klas series
The In de klas series consists of a series of practical books for teachers, tutors, internal supervisors and remedial teachers. The books are written by professionals in the field. They provide background information and practical tips that you can use straight away.
Wow, in één adem uit!
"Van Koenen en Smits hebben zich verdiept in de taal die (V)MBO-ers bezigen. Zij zijn zonder oordeel over het basisonderwijs, zij concentreren zich op hoe wij (de leraar, de remedial teacher en het onderwijsondersteunend personeel) leerlingen kunnen begeleiden in het gebruik van de Nederlandse taal. Zij geven niet alleen tips voor het begeleiden van leerlingen die thuis weining aanbod krijgen over de Nederlandse taal, maar hebben ook aandacht voor dyslectische leerlingen, TOS-leerlingen en NT2 leerlingen."
- Tijdschrift voor Remedial Teaching (Jaargang 31 | #4 | p.30)
In de nieuwe methode Boom Nederlands voor het mbo staat lezen centraal. De teksten en fragmenten vormen ook het vertrekpunt om vaardigheden als spreken, gesprekken voeren en schrijven te oefenen. Deze nieuwe methode is beschikbaar voor 2F en 3F.
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