Het persoonlijk plan inburgering en participatie (PIP)
The PIP contains all the information on how a person must fulfill the obligation to integrate, including agreements on:
- The learning route
- The duration in which the final goal must be achieved
- Important preconditions, such as child care
- The guidance and support needed to successfully complete the learning route
- The intensity of the Labour Market and Participation Module (MAP) and the Participation Declaration Track (PVT)
- The way in which and for what duration de-skilling applies
- The way in which the municipality monitors the progress, including through progress interviews
The drawing up of a personal Plan Integration and Participation (PIP) is compulsory. This is done as much as possible in consultation with the person obliged to integrate. The PIP has to be drawn up within ten weeks after registration in the municipality.
The PIP is not without obligation; both the person with a duty of integration and the municipality commit to the plan drawn up. An obligation to integrate who culpably fails to comply with his/her obligation to integrate within the stipulated period may be fined.
The municipality can adjust the agreements of the PIP if it appears that this is necessary to comply with the obligation to integrate within the stipulated period. If the municipality wishes to adjust the learning route, this must be done within eighteen months after the start of the integration period. A new PIP will then be drawn up. The person obliged to integrate can object and appeal against the municipality's decision.
Source: Divosa, 2022. Handreiking brede intake en PIP.