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Verder met Alfaschrift
Verder met Alfaschrift
Writing for foreign illiterates
€ 24,94
Verder met Alfaschrift
Verder met Alfaschrift - Slide 2
Verder met Alfaschrift - Slide 3
Verder met Alfaschrift - Slide 4
Verder met Alfaschrift - Slide 5
Verder met Alfaschrift - Slide 6
Verder met Alfaschrift - Slide 7
Verder met Alfaschrift - Slide 8
Verder met Alfaschrift - Slide 9
Verder met Alfaschrift - Slide 10

Verder met Alfaschrift

Writing for foreign illiterates

Mary van den Brandt
Uitgave: boek
Isbn: 9789089534613
Delivery time 4-7 business days
€ 24,94

Verder met Alfaschrift is a writing course for non-Dutch speakers who have never learned how to write. Students learn and practice letters and numbers, train their writing mechanics and learn to write by means of functional writing exercises involving authentic material such as cards, forms and shopping lists.


In Alfaschrift, students were introduced to the Latin alphabet and learned to recognise and write lower-case letters. In Verder met Alfaschrift, students learn to write fluent and legible block letters. The students are taught to use a smaller handwriting than in Alfaschrift: they repeat the lower-case letters and learn how to write numbers and upper-case letters. Writing mechanics are trained by having the students write corners and diagonal lines.


Verder met Alfaschrift is designed to help students learn the Latin alphabet in a mature, simple and efficient manner.


Verder met Alfaschrift is intended for non-Dutch speaking adults who have never learned to write (using the Latin alphabet). Verder met Alfaschrift is the follow-up course to Alfaschrift and is intended for students who have already become acquainted with the Latin alphabet and have learned to recognise and write lower-case letters.


Alpha NT2 B/C (Alpha NT2 C is equal to NT2 level A1)

Target audience

Verder met Alfaschrift is intended for non-Dutch speaking adults who have never learned to write (using the Latin alphabet). Verder met Alfaschrift is the follow-up course to Alfaschrift and is intended for students who have already become acquainted with the Latin alphabet and have learned to recognise and write lower-case letters.


Mary van den Brandt

Mary van den Brandt works with languages, language education, literacy and intercultural contact. She teaches various language courses, develops teaching material and has even designed a font for illiterates.

Product details
Isbn: 9789089534613
Publisher: Boom uitgevers Amsterdam
Dimensions: 29.7 x 21.0 x 0.6 cm
Weight: 270 grams
Pages: 72

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