The importance of literacy
Better language and math skills strengthen a person's position in the labor market. People who can read and write find jobs faster. Moreover, they can perform their jobs more independently and safely. Did you know that 10% of industrial accidents in the process industry are the result of language problems?
In addition to the importance of literacy, technological changes have made digital skills increasingly important as well.
To manage money matters, it is important to be able to read and write well. For those with low literacy levels, understanding bills, applying for benefits and keeping a record of income and expenses is an added challenge. To be financially self-reliant, being able to read and write is very important. Again, because of digitalization, digital skills are becoming increasingly important.
Being able to read a medication leaflet is sometimes quite a chore, even for non-low-literates. Low-literates do not master the skills to properly deal with information about health, illness and care. They are at greater risk of poor health and visit the doctor and hospital more often than non-low-literates. Therefore, literacy is also very important for our health.
Language stimulation and parent involvement play an important role in children's school success. As a result, the level of literacy of the parents affects the level of literacy of the child. Children of parents who are low-literate are more likely to become so themselves. Literacy of low-literate parents is therefore of great importance to their children. Low-literate parents themselves see this as one of the most important reasons to learn to read and write.
Source: Reading and Writing Foundation