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Tweede ronde herziene editie - Online
Tweede ronde herziene editie - Online
Dutch for foreigners A2 > B1
€ 70,00

Tweede ronde herziene editie - Online

Dutch for foreigners A2 > B1

Alied Blom, Conny Wesdijk
Uitgave: laptop Niveau: a2-b1
Isbn: 9789058755339
Direct by e-mail
€ 70,00

From level A2 to B1 in 42 lessons.

For students who have completed secondary education. 


Tweede ronde is a follow-up course for intermediate non-Dutch speakers to learn Dutch. The course takes students from level A2 to B1 in 42 lessons. This course is part of the Delft Method and is the follow-up course to Nederlands voor buitenlanders. The teaching method has a clear structure: the terms that are taught in earlier lessons reappear in the subsequent lessons. In this way, the student’s vocabulary expands naturally. The method consists of a textbook and an online course. 


The online course contains all texts, audio files and vocabulary translations. It also features assignments and tests, with recording and playback modules, automatic score count and detailed feedback. The revised edition also has a new comprehensive aid tool which provides instantaneous explanations regarding terms, expressions and grammar.



Tweede ronde contains translations in no less than 20 languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Kurdish (Kurmanci), Kurdish (Sorani), Persian (Farsi), Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Somali, Spanish, Tigrinya, and Turkish.


Tweede ronde - Online is an online-only product.

No textbook will be provided.


The Tweede ronde is also available with a textbook: Tweede ronde - Tekstboek + Online.


The Tweede ronde - Oefenboek is optional and contains additional exercises that are geared to the lessons in the textbook.

Tweede ronde is part of the very successful Delft method, which was developed at the Delft University of Technology.



Please note: Online products are no longer compatible with Internet Explorer 10. Online products are not suited for tablets and smartphones. This product gives you one-year access to the online service that contains the learning material.


System requirements: browsers (laptop and computer)

Internet Explorer 11+, Firefox 41+, Chrome 42+, Safari 9+


With the purchase of the Tweede ronde - Tekstboek + Online, you will receive access to the online course in NT2 SCHOOL. The vocabulary lists can be downloaded here for free. The purchase of the Tweede ronde - Oefenboek is optional: it contains extra assignments which are geared to the lessons in the textbook. This product grants 1 year access to the online program with the material. 


Digital Resources

You will receive an email containing a code with which you can access the course in NT2 SCHOOL. 


The online versions of all Delft method courses are compatible with Mac and Windows, and with the following web browsers:

  • Chrome
  • Firefox

The Tweede ronde starts at A2 level and ends at level B1. B1 is the required level for Staatsexamen I.


The follow-up course to the Tweede ronde is the Derde ronde, which takes students from level B1 to level B2.

Target audience

The Tweede ronde is intended for students who

  • have completed secondary education (pre-vocational, senior general secondary education or pre-university education)
  • have completed or are taking further education at an institution of basic vocational training (MBO), professionally-oriented education (HBO) or academic higher education (WO) 


The teaching method can be used as a self-study method and also as a teaching method for groups.


Blom, Alied

Wesdijk, Conny

Product details
Isbn: 9789058755339
Publisher: Boom uitgevers Amsterdam
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Reviews 'Tweede ronde herziene editie - Online'


uitstekend om luistervaardigheid te oefenen

Bertine Niesten | 25 september 2023
Ik gebruik de Delftse methode vaak voor cursisten die bijna Staatsexamen B1 gaan doen. De oefenexamens luisteren op de website van het Staatsexamen vinden ze vaak nog te moeilijk. Met de Delftse methode kunnen ze rustig opbouwen en zelfvertrouwen krijgen.

Mijn mening

Robert Bertsch | 29 mei 2022
Goed produkt afhankelijk van de vraag van de cursist. Niet voor iedereen geschikt. Ik gebruik toch meestal een aantal producten tegelijk.

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