Watch out! Move over please! Could you give me a hand?
It’s very difficult to work in a Dutch environment if you don’t speak the language. Not seldom this leads to communication problems and even safety risks. Foreign language speaking workers are therefore increasingly being encouraged to learn Dutch. They can do this independently or with the help of a teacher. For this last group especially, Taal werkt beter has been developed. Taal werkt beter is a task-oriented exercise book that is in line with vocational training and the workplace.
The workbook contains sixteen lessons in which topics such as hygiene, standing up for yourself, reporting sick and safety are discussed on the basis of dialogues, texts and language tricks. The course participants are given all kinds of exercises and practical assignments.
Taal werkt beter is ideally suited to work with in groups together with a teacher. The exercises and writing and speaking assignments can be performed in pairs or small groups. The instructions in the workbook are clear and aimed at working independently. After every five lessons there is a review chapter on the discussed material and a test.
More practical assignments and additional material have been added in this revised edition. This edition also includes a teacher's manual.
The accompanying site,, contains glossaries with translation in a number of languages, audio material such as spoken texts and language tricks, extra material to practice writing and an extensive teacher's manual.
Please note: Online products are no longer compatible with Internet Explorer 10. Online products are not suited for tablets and smartphones. This product gives you one-year access to the online service that contains the learning material.
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