Master Gregory is from Suriname. His wife also works at school, in administration. Today, master Gregory is teaching geography. One of his students is Ellen. She is quite bright. So master Gregory is not surprised when he sees Ellen after school with a much older boy. But when she subsequently stops coming to school, he asks Ellen's mother what is going on.
Woordwinst 2 is a series of easy-to-read stories written by NT2 teacher Johan van Caeneghem. This illustrated series is intended for (young) adults reading Dutch at A1/A2 level. The themes of the books are taken from the themes in the integration at A2 level. Written on the basis of word lists from Boom NT2.
‘Hé!’, zegt Julia opeens. ‘Is dat Ellen niet?’
Ze wijst naar de hoek van de straat.
Daar staat Ellen, met haar fiets aan de hand.
Ze praat met een jongen.
‘Normaal komt ze hier nooit’, zegt Gregory.
‘Ze woont aan de andere kant van de stad.’
Julia gaat wat langzamer rijden.
‘Die jongen zit niet bij ons op school’, zegt Gregory.
Target group
10-100 years old
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