Knowledge of Dutch Society (KNM) is an exam component of the Staatsexamens NT2 I and II. Below, you will find an overview of suitable course material as preparation for the KNM component of the exams. For more information about the integration exam in the Netherlands, go to the College voor Toetsen en Examens website.
This is the revised edition of the first complete book for the Knowledge of the Dutch Society exam, Kom verder!. The revised edition is more compact, clearer and effective than the first edition.
The topics on whi...
REFLANG#Lees meerIn Welkom in Nederland maken anderstaligen kennis met de Nederlandse maatschappij en kunnen ze zich voorbereiden op het onderdeel 'Kennis van de Nederlandse maatschappij' (KNM) van het inburgeringsexamen. Ook wordt er...
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Het is mogelijk om een jaarlicentie ...
A favourably priced set of two KNM oefenexamen mock exams (license for one week).
KNM oefenexamens is a mock exam that can be used to find out whether you already know what is required to pass the KNM component of...
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