The broad intake
The broad intake
The broad intake is mandatory and consists of at least three parts:
A learning ability test to map out at what speed the person obliged to integrate can learn the Dutch language and what language level can be achieved within the integration period of three years
An investigation into the education and work experience in the country of origin.
An examination of personal circumstances, including physical and mental health
With the help of the broad intake, information is gathered about the language level, the (employment) participation possibilities and the degree of self-reliance of the person obliged to integrate. Municipalities choose for themselves how they gather the required information. The collected information forms the basis for the personal Plan Integration and Participation (PIP).
Municipalities are obliged to inform persons with (young) children with a duty of civic integration about the possibility of early childhood education (vve) and to point out to persons with a duty of civic integration their right to individual interviews without the presence of a partner or another person.
If the person with a duty of civic integration does not respond to the first call within the set period to participate in the broad intake, the municipality will issue a written warning and a second call will be sent
If the person with a duty of civic integration does not respond within the stipulated period after the second call, the municipality will impose a fine of 250 Euros and will be sent a written warning.