How do I prepare for the KNM exam?
It is wise to start your KNM preparation only when you have reached language level A1. For example, combine your training for the exam with Dutch lessons.
Preparation for the Knowledge of Dutch Society exam is an integral part of most integration courses. Integration courses are held throughout the Netherlands. The Blik Op Werk website has a list of language schools that have a quality mark. You can get a loan from DUO to pay the costs of an integration course. You can only apply for this loan if you choose a course from the Blik Op Werk list.
Teaching Materials
There are several teaching materials you can use in your preparation for the KNM exam. What you choose depends on whether you study independently or in a group, on your language level and on the course you have taken.
The complete learning method LINK takes you from 0 to B2, and includes a comprehensive KNM trainer to prepare for the exam. The KNM trainer is suitable for A2 level. You can use the trainer for self-study or for group learning.
The book Kom verder! is very suitable for self-study and is written at A1-level, so that the texts are easy to understand even for people who are still learning the Dutch language. With Kom verder! you also get a free practice exam and a convenient online exam training.
Practice for the exams
There are several ways to practice for the exam Knowledge of Dutch Society:
- Download free practice exams at On this website you will find three practice exams for the section Knowledge of Dutch Society (KNM).
- Do the KNM exam training or the KNM practice exams.
- If you are taking a course at a language school, you can practice the exam in class.
In de bibliotheek kun je veel informatie vinden over KNM-onderwerpen
- Meer lezen over wat je allemaal moet regelen als Nederlander? Lees ook de artikelen over het onderwerp Naar Nederland. Daarin vind je onder meer informatie over wonen, werken en gezondheidszorg. Ook vind je er links naar handige websites.
- In de bibliotheek is veel informatie te vinden over allerlei onderwerpen die te maken hebben met het KNM-examen. Ook als je geen lid van de bibliotheek bent, mag je daar de boeken bekijken.
- De beste manier om zo snel mogelijk vertrouwd te raken met de onderwerpen van het KNM-examen, is door zoveel mogelijk met Nederlandse mensen om te gaan. Je kunt bijvoorbeeld mensen leren kennen door lid te worden van een sportclub of een vereniging, of door evenementen bij jou in de buurt te bezoeken.